Specialized Machines

Ves reserved the rest of the day to cope with all of the new Skills and Sub-Skills injected into his mind.

More expensive Skills generally corresponded with more knowledge being dumped into his mind.

While his expanded Intelligence allowed him to cope with the huge influx of knowledge, the sheer magnitude of it still burdened him quite a bit. It didn't help that Ves already bore an existing burden in the form of Qilanxo's augmented spiritual fragment!

Despite the unpleasantries, Ves endured the strain and tried to process the influx of knowledge as best he could. Countless theories and formulas related to propulsion and flight systems poured into his mind and settled in as a core part of his repertoire.

Knowledge on polarizing technology came next. Ves learned the principles behind the tech. The polarizing module first shown by Professor Ventag no longer mystified him! He now possessed enough of a foundation to modify its base design!