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Ves settled on designing a high-impact mech without too many frills. Aside from its dual weapon systems, he didn't think it was wise to overcomplicate his design any further.

"Hero mechs are already gimmicks by themselves." He snorted. "Adding a gimmick to a hero mech is like putting lipstick on a pig."

After determining the mech concept for his design, he moved on to fleshing out his vision for his mech.

A mech was more than just a collection of parts that fit with its mech concept. A good design attempted to tie them all together in a holistic manner. Synergy, fit, ease of use and more all depended on how a mech designer fashioned their designs.

When it came to his own design style, Ves exhibited a strong preference towards ease of use.

Influenced by his Mastery experiences, he designed his mechs around their pilots.