Courier Service

Ves and his entourage finally departed from Kesseling VIII after boarding the Barracuda. Melkor and the Avatars of Myth had already boarded the Greenfeather in orbit ahead of time.

This time, the Ylvainans pulled out all the stops to escort the Bright Martyr out of Protectorate space.

An entire Kronon spaceborn mech regiment served as their honor guard as the two ships directly charted a course back to the Bright Republic.

Such a luxurious lineup of combat carriers hosting over two-thousand mechs was unheard of in the Ylvaine Protectorate!

The fleet encountered no threats at all along the way. It wasn't easy for an enemy to muster up the forces to overcome all of the escorts protecting the Barracuda.

The Brighter vessels eventually crossed the border without incident.

The mech regiment stopped there, as it was wildly inappropriate for the Protectors of the Faith to operate in a foreign state.