Lackluster Choice

As Ves took a bite of the bun, a ball of spice exploded in his mouth!


A mixture of spices prickled his mouth and barraged his tongue with a grand feast. Chief among them was the much-anticipated geril spice.

The taste of it was indescribable. All he knew was that his mouth would faintly carry the odor for hours if he didn't cleanse his mouth afterwards!

While everyone else enjoyed their spicy Nyx dogs, Ves quietly tried to analyze his food.

What was it about geril spice that made it so exceptional?

His spiritual senses revealed nothing of note. However it worked, it did not do so on a spiritual level.

While its material properties were already quite remarkable, Ves doubted that any of them served as the key to its ability to overwhelm Fe Nitaa's special nose.

He needed to perform some thorough research.