Double Benefits

While Ves spotted various valuable wares, a lot of cheaper junk was for sale as well!

The place had the air of a flea market for distressed businessmen and other wealthy individuals. Each stall or store offered peculiar collections of goods that made Ves suspect that the owners simply cleaned out their vaults or offices and dumped them into the black market to raise some capital.

All of the sculptures, paintings and other works of art put on display had to come from somewhere.

None of the disguised figures threw a glance at these ornaments. In times of hardship, why would anyone want to spend their dwindling capital on useless status symbols?

"Art is the first to suffer during a period of deprivation." Gavin muttered.

"I'm not so sure about that, Benny. It is during the most difficult times that symbols become all the more important. Art can help unify a scattered people or keep hope alive."