The Zealous Chosen

The Ylvaine Protectorate had never been the same after the brief visitation of the Bright Martyr.

His coming and going only lasted a few months, but the ripple effects of his actions still echoed throughout the highly religious state to this day!

A number of highly controversial debates ensued after the Bright Martyr painfully exposed many problems the Ylvainans tried their best to bury under the ground. The division between Ylvainans had never become more stark.

Yet even as the faithful joined sides and argued against each other over the best course forward, the Protectorate had never been more united!

Despite their differences of opinion, Ylvainans of all stripes grew more ardent about the faith they held in common.

They were all Ylvainans! No matter how much they disagreed, they were still brothers and sisters! United by a set of common beliefs, it became more important than ever to present a common front against the outside galaxy!