Cat Temptations

"Mew.. mrrrrrew.."

"Meow meow meow!"

"Miaooooow! Miaoooow!"

Cats. Cats everywhere. As soon as Ves touched down at the busy spacepart with his entourage in tow, he immediately confronted hundreds of free range cats!

The entire spaceport adopted a very friendly cat theme. Smiling animated cats projected all over the place delighted the children of the families that had just begun their vacation.

Of course, many families also brought their own cats along. Organic cats, mechanical cats and virtual cats all meowed at each other as if they were chatting to each other like humans!

Strangely enough, Lucky refused to partake in the pointless exchange of meows. Like an emperor among peasants, the gem cat merely stuck up both his head and his tail as if he awaited the adoration of lesser cats!