Mutilated Flesh

Since Ves had a deal with Lady Miralix, he decided to leverage her status and ask her for a favor.

As a scion of House Laterna, it only took a few calls for her to grant Ves permission to visit the cooling chamber which stored the frozen remains of the Dragon Cat.

By the time Ves arrived at the Kemila Hunting Hall with Lucky and Nitaa as his company, Benedict Vinzler greeted him yet again.

"Mr. Larkinson! I did not expect to see you so soon!"

As soon as the two shook hands, they began to board a waiting aircar. As the vehicle headed to the entrance of the underground holding cell complex, the relations manager began to explain the allowances they made.

"We first requested the Rocit Butchers for permission to allow a guest to observe the remains."

"Since we're on our way to the facility, I take it they granted permission?"