Questionable Wisdom

During the interplanetary transit ride to Cinach VIII, Ves constantly glowered. Not even Lucky's playful antics could lift him from his tempestuous mood.

The hostile air around him did not do him any favors. Along with the pressure exerted by his Pride of Dusk, hardly anyone could stand to be in his presence!

Fortunately, they booked a private suite aboard a larger passenger transport, so Ves had the entire compartment to himself and his followers.

Nitaa and Gavin both knew that Ves lost one of his precious mechs again. While they were a bit confused upon who actually took the Devil Tiger, there was no doubt that Ves took its absence poorly!

"Boss.. if you really care about that mech so much, why not stay behind in Cinach XII? As long as we can find out who's responsible for the theft, we can still get it back!"