Retraining and Reforming

As the days went by and their combined fleet made their way out of the Hertog Dominion, Ves made sure to keep in contact with his people.

He had to borrow the Stellar Chaser's communication systems to contact others, but he trusted Gloriana enough to refrain from meddling in his affairs.

For example, Ves finally heard back from Commander Cinnabar. He accepted his call in his guest room.

"My entire crew came to a unanimous decision." The bearded man spoke over the comm. "We think that working for you is our best ticket to success."

That was surprising.

"How difficult was it for you to convince the doubters to change their minds?"

"To be honest, I didn't have to put too much pressure on them. As soon as I told them that Miss Gloriana Wodin is your girl, they connected the dots themselves."