Sales Projections

As the LMC and LMYC began to produce the first batches of Desolate Soldiers and Holy Soldier, the MTA approved the designs only days after receiving the first copies.

The LMC did not expect the MTA to approve the mech designs so fast. With the mental influencing effects of the mechs designed by Ves becoming more and more evident, how could the MTA not investigate?

Yet they barely took any notice of the complaints submitted by the critics. The Mech Trade Association existed for several hundred years and spanned the breadth of the galaxy. What weird mech hadn't they seen before?

Knowing more than most, Ves never doubted that his mech would get approved. The MTA wanted an endless variety of design philosophies to bloom. The more interesting, the better. Unusual design philosophies that achieved unprecedented results earned far more appreciation than the stale ones that overlapped with known and highly-studied specialties.