
Of the three forms of synergy they discovered, mutual strengthening was the easiest and most straightforward one. It was also the most limited one as strengthening each other's design philosophies did not promise any drastic changes.

Mutual strengthening merely improved the existing attributes of a mech design. It did not promise anything exciting.

"It's still very valuable, though." Ves concluded after some time. "Mutual strengthening allows our design philosophies to approach the efficacy of Senior-level design philosophies while we are still Journeymen."

Gloriana smiled and leaned against his side as they observed their mostly-completed mech design. "We've just scratched the surface with mutual strengthening. Theoretically, we ought to be able to feed back our enhancements into each other."

"Nothing comes for free. There has to be a limit on account of waste. Achieving a perfect conservation of energy is impossible."