Research Institutions

Ves found it difficult to engage Davia Stark in conversation. The spiritually crippled expert pilot was a woman without spirit. She completely lacked the strong will and belief that normal expert pilots possessed.

While her state made her pliable to an extent, the problem was that Stark no longer possessed the will to live!

He frowned as he felt he wasn't making any progress in their one-sided conversation. Every time he attempted to prod her, she merely replied in a perfunctory manner.

It felt as if he was talking to a suicidal bot.

Fortunately, this was not the first time Ves encountered a traumatized mech pilot. It was just that this case was a lot more thornier than usual because Davia just happened to be an expert pilot.

Injury and death remained an ever-present risk to those who risked their lives on the battlefield. The Larkinsons were very familiar with this universal truth. Not even their expert pilots returned from war unscathed.