Deviant Behavior

Ves was no spacer. He only possessed a shallow understanding of the spaceborn life. His time with the Flagrant Vandals and his brief experiences on the Starlight Megalodon only gave him a taste of the difficulty of living years in space.

Considering that it would take a couple of days or so to meet the sandmen in combat, Ves decided he might as well learn more about spacers from the captain of the Barracuda.

"Humans aren't inherently beings who are adapted to space." Silvestra instructed when they moved to the ship's lounge to avoid disturbing the crew working on the bridge. "Unless you are born and raised in a starship environment, it's very hard for you landbound to adjust to living in a cramped living environment which you are bound to share with dozens, hundreds or thousands of people."

Ves calmly petted Lucky's back as his pet dozed in his lap. "What is the main challenge of spaceborn life?"