Queen Gloriana

When Ves returned to the Cloud Estate, he met up with Gloriana who was resting in the back gardens of their mansion and informed her of the latest developments.

"For what it's worth, I agree with you." Gloriana tickled Clixie's belly. "Bentheim isn't only bad for you, but also for me. If the Bright Republic has any ideas about me, it won't be easy to take me into custody as long as I stay here under the protection of my Glory Battalion."

Ves immediately recognized the problem. "Your escorts only consist of one spaceborn mech company, one landbound mech company and one elite guard infantry company. While I'm sure your protectors are strong enough to win while heavily outnumbered, it's hard to say who will win if the Mech Corps dispatches a mech regiment or two to intercept our flight."