Government Response

After testing the prototype, Ves and Gloriana swiftly returned to the design lab in order to make use of the data they gathered.

No mech ever came out flawlessly after completing their initial design. Even Gloriana, who excelled in spotting and correcting flaws, could achieve this level of perfection.

While they managed to spot flaws easily when the mech was in a pristine state, as long as its condition deteriorated, all kinds of unexpected shortcomings emerged.

Due to time, manpower and budget limitations, the LMC could not afford to test hundreds of prototypes in order to unveil every possible malfunction that could occur as a result of damage or wear and tear.

The LMC did not actually need to go that far. Most of those possible shortcomings were rare, and could only be fixed by making tradeoffs, which would likely introduce new flaws in the design.