Loose Pants

Like any other day, Ves returned to his quarters after breakfast.

Ever since he stepped aboard the Scarlet Rose, he never visited any other part of the ship aside from his quarters, the dining room, the lounge and the corridors in between.

These compartments only constituted a small portion of the mobile supply frigate!

If he tried to launch his impending plan without scouting the other sections of the ship in advance, he was liable to encounter a lot of nasty surprises!

This wasn't that big of a problem if he tried to attack a cheap, third-class vessel.

Third-class ships tended to be very economical. As long as they could travel the stars and fulfill their primary functions, everything else was secondary!

It was different for more expensive ships. The CRC was not short on money and resources at all, and the Scarlet Rose cut no corners when it came to repelling hostile intruders.