Endless Source

Nothing about this made any sense!

How could something he threw out return to his ship so quickly and so silently?

The moment he stopped thinking about the escape pod and its indeterminate occupant, it instantly returned into the same space as before!

Ves began to grow angrier and angrier at this anomalous object.

He really wanted to get rid of it in a permanent fashion!

A part of him feared that if he failed to solve this problem, he might be haunted by this semi-living mummy forever!

At best, the mummy would stick to the Scarlet Rose, allowing Ves to get rid of it by giving up the ship.

At worst, not even this solution would allow him to get rid of this ghost woman!

If she was homing in on him rather than the ship, then Ves would always be confronted by this escape pod until the woman stopped insisting on following him for some reason!