
It took less time than he thought to get his organizations back in order.

The people he put in charge such as Raymond and Melkor weren't incomptent. Even if they failed to get a handle on the situation, they still had each other to call for help.

In addition, most of the uncertainties plaguing the LMC and other organizations came from an inability to set a new direction. None of Ves' deputies wanted to commit to far-reaching decisions without his input.

What if Ves never intended to settle on Kesseling VIII? Investing in an extravagant headquarters on the Ylvainan planet would be an expensive mistake!

Therefore, Ves only had to spend enough time to settle these major issues. After that, he could leave the rest to his capable subordinates.

Calsie and Gavin proved to be very helpful in supervising his men. They acted as his agents and made sure that everyone followed his will.