Female Supremacy

Women reigned supreme in the Hexadric Hegemony. Founded by an extremist group exiled from the more prosperous parts of the galaxy, the Hegemony stood strong as a testament to the indomitable will of its citizens!

Each woman in the state lifted their heads with pride, believing themselves to be the superior gender and the most supreme form of life!

Unlike the rest of the galaxy, the Hexers believed that their state was the only one that was governed properly! With only the wisest matriarchs at the helm, the Hegemony was infinitely greater than the states where 'equality' reigned.

True equality didn't exist! Males and females were undeniably different, and of the two, the latter were clearly better suited to rule the galaxy!

What happened when boys gained power without restraint?

They abused their might like children shooting a gun for fun! Boys were too young, stupid and inexperienced to know what was best!