Better Shield

During the time William Urbesh underwent examinations, Ves and Gloriana turned their attention to other matters.

The day after the experiment, they returned to the design lab in order to design a custom revision of the Aurora Titan.

The variants developed by the two design teams gave Ves a lot of ideas and decent solutions.

Naturally, neither Ves nor Gloriana intended to borrow from them wholesale. The quality of the revision would only drop if they blindly took over the work of Novices and Apprentices.

When the pair settled down in a private design office, they began to plan out their own changes.

"This revision is not meant to renew the Aurora Titan line." Ves explained. "Instead, it's solely meant to upgrade a single copy, the one that my cousin Jannzi Larkinson has adopted."

"Does that mean you intend to fabricate a brand new Aurora Titan?"