
"The star sector is becoming more and more turbulent." Calabast spoke as she draped her body over the couch. The two central wars that have been raging on have proven to be disasters to most people, but some see opportunity in them. Many actors are on the move. Grudges are being settled and greed is driving the patient into action."

"That all sounds nice, but what does that have to do with me? I'm not interested in participating in these power games."

His strategic partner looked at him like he was an idiot. "Anyone who catches the notice of the powerful is automatically involved. With all of the accomplishments you've made and all of the stunts you've pulled off, you entered the radar of many powerful people and organizations. You asked me what I've been doing recently. Do you know I've been busy with beefing up our counterintelligence operations? The amount of spies and informers that have sought to keep tabs on you has increased by over seven times!"