Tower of Babel

In the end, the quality of the Bright Warrior and its four sets of configurations reached a very high level.

Compared to a typical gold label LMC mech, the quality of the mech that Ves and Gloriana produced was clearly better.

They should be proud of what they accomplished!

Yet.. they only felt a mild sense of disappointment. As they put in the final parts and performed a final inspection, nothing about the mech transcended the level of an ordinary product. At most, it contained a lot less production-related flaws.

Though Ves had made peace with the outcome, Gloriana was not resigned to this outcome. Unlike him, the quality of her products was a lot more central to her design philosophy!

Producing a masterwork mech was literally one of her primary ambitions! After all of the effort she invested into designing the Bright Warrior, she was unwilling to let the mech in front of her be the definitive version of the first production model!