Mr. S

Ves employed the same crazy-sounding arguments against Professor Oodiv of the MTA. He succeeded in arousing the Senior's disgust, and managed to end any further line of questioning in his unorthodox design philosophy.

He expected a rational mech designer like Master Willix to respond in a similar fashion.

After all, the MTA was known to be a highly secularist organization. Though it was officially neutral when it came to matters of faith, in practice most if not all of its members comprised of people who believed that every phenomena could be explained and that gods didn't exist!

Was Master Willix a closet believer or something? Ves didn't think so. She was a rational mech designer. Rationalists never engaged in superstition!


After Ves threw out his latest outlandish notion, Master Willix continued to remain silent as she mulled over his words.