Too Many Disadvantages

Once Ves completed his weapons, the dwarves instantly regarded it as a divine creation.

In their ignorant minds, only a god could turn a regular plasma cutter into something that was both powerful and beautiful!

As Ves inwardly grinned at the sight of the dwarves prostrating before he possessed his body, he knew he succeeded in commanding their obedience.

Even the oldest dwarves such as Gion Greybeard bent his weary knees in front of the entity known as Vulcan.

His willingness to surrender authority to this powerful but unfamiliar god reflected his recognition that he was no longer the ultimate dwarf in charge!

No matter how much Gion worked to build up the Desala Resistance Movement, his diligent efforts over several decades paled in comparison to the show that Ves performed in just over an hour!

This was the hour that marked a permanent shift in direction for the dwarven rebellion.