
Days after Gion Greybeard's attempted betrayal, TR-3851 emerged in a quiet red dwarf system.

According to the transport ship's database, there was practically nothing of value in this worthless, lifeless star system.

Though it was a bit too close to the Desala System for his liking, Ves was running out of time. This Mastery experience lasted far too long already. He really didn't have the time to leave the territory of the Paramount Kingdom and bury his treasure in an even more obscure star system!

As a result, Ves had to make do with the Trion Enze System.

After making sure there wasn't any ships or signs of human life, Ves instructed the ship to travel to the inner asteroid belt.

While the ship made way, Ves continued to move his possessed around the ship in order to tweak the transport ship's systems.

While TR-3851 wasn't the most sophisticated ship he had ever seen, Ves wanted to make sure to erase every single log or record of her route.