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Calabast sure gave Ves plenty to think about.

After he finally left her office, he continued to walk in a daze.

Her proposal completely knocked his expectations out of the water! He never anticipated that she wanted to become a Larkinson!

Not only that, but Ves simply couldn't conceive of a Larkinson Clan that was ten times more numerous than today!

Yet.. as he thought back on the footage that Calabast displayed, he had to admit that the employees who followed him and the clan through thick and thin deserved to be recognized.

"They left the Bright Republic or the Ylvaine Protectorate in order to take part in my venture."

Not only did they bid farewell to their familiar and steady lives, they also willingly accepted the risks associated with following an adventurous mech designer like Ves. Even in battle, his mech pilots fought as bravely as the soldiers of the Mech Corps!