Design by Role

When Ves began to expand on the draft of the Hexer mech with Gloriana, they encountered a lot of initial difficulties.

Second-class mechs were more powerful than the mechs he was used to designing.

Even so, there were several tiers of second-class mechs, ranging from the cheapest economy models that were only modestly better than his Bright Warrior to the ultra-advanced premier mechs that were within throwing distance to first-class mechs!

A vast spectrum existed between the two extremes. What a newcomer like Ves ought to do was to dip his toes into the water by entering the shallow pool first.

Instead, he dove head-first into the ocean by tackling a mech design that was meant to be on par with the military mechs of the Hex Army!

Having participated in the development and maintenance of the mechs of the Bright Republic's Mech Corps, Ves knew that there was a significant difference between private mechs and government-funded mechs.