Uneven Progress

When Ketis showed off her 'superpower', Ves quickly guided her to an empty office in the base.

What she had just shown off was not something she should reveal so casually!

"Since when were you able to perform this trick?" Ves asked.

"Just a month ago!" She grinned! "During the flight to Sentinel, there wasn't any work for me aboard the ship I was on. Aside from studying and polishing my swordsmanship, I didn't have anything else to do, so I began to see if I could develop my own superpower!"

"Superpowers don't exist, at least not in the way you think." Ves frowned.

Ketis tilted her head. "Didn't I just show off something that no one else could do?"

"That's not a superpower! That's just a side effect!" Ves insisted. "Could you demonstrate it for me again? I didn't pay enough attention the first time. I need to confirm something."

"Okay, but my power can't cut through anything." She warned as he pulled out another steel bar.