Bargain Hunting

The discussion between the commanders of the Larkinson Clan dove into more complicated matters.

After every mech commander revealed how many mechs they were able to commit to an expedition, Major Verle took over and presented his thoughts on the overall force makeup.

"Spaceborn mechs are king in the Nyxian Gap." He began. "That does not mean that landbound mechs are redundant. Depending on our priorities, we might need to land on a dangerous moon or planet. While the Nyxian Gap is famous for its ubiquitous quantity of asteroids, some of them are so big that they are no different from actual planets. In addition, the Gap frequently absorbs rogue planets and other satellites. Most of these planets are barren, but some contain extremely valuable resources."

"I understand." Ves replied. "Do you think we are prepared to fight on land if necessary?"