Quick Deal

Moira Willix was a rational mech designer.

Moira Willix was a Master Mech Designer.

Moira Willix was a senior figure in the MTA.

Yet amidst all of these extraordinary identities, she was also a woman!

Right now, Master Willix hardly exhibited the reserve and majesty of an individual of her high stature. Instead, as soon as she caught a good glimpse of the Little Angel, she seemingly devolved into a drooling fangirl who just came face to face with her idol!

The other women of the delegation weren't much better off! Since their superior already raced towards the compelling masterwork mech, they also decided to zip forward!

While the men such as Jovy and the rest weren't as affected, a masterwork mech was still a masterwork mech.

Even the mechers rarely encountered them on a frequent basis!