Adding Character

With the weapon systems that Ves and Gloriana selected, the overall strengths of their heavy artillery mech already became clear.

The mech design codenamed Cat's Paw was primarily set up to resist a modest amount of very strong opponents.

It excelled in inflicting single-target damage. Just half a dozen Cat's Paw mechs would have allowed the Larkinson Clan to repel or outright defeat the powerful second-class mechs of the Coalition Reserve Corps while suffering much less casualties!

Back then, the CRC mechs slaughtered third-class mechs with the ease of butchering pigs. The vast performance differences between lesser mechs and greater mechs was simply too great.

Whenever Ves played back the archival footage of the Battle of Kesseling VIII, he despaired at the great difficulty of inflicting actual harm to the well-armored mechs of the Friday Coalition.