Directing Projects

Just kitting out Lucky with the Misfortune Harness did not mean he turned into an expert saboteur.

There was a huge difference between sneaking into guarded facilities in order to surreptitiously munch on exotics in storage and to perform effective sabotage!

What to do first upon entry. How to identify critical components. How to rank them in priority. How to search for key personnel. How to kill them without compromising the other goals of the mission. How to return to the stealth shuttle without getting detected and shot at. Lucky needed to undergo systematic training in order to turn into a capable Black Cat!

Calabast took hold of Lucky, who still wore the black-coated full-body harness, and smiled in an adoring fashion.

"I'll turn you into a true terror after a few days. With all of your capabilities, you'll be able to single-handedly topple entire fortresses! Your abilities are wasted in the hands of Ves."
