Beneficial Competition

He had to admit that Calabast opened his eyes to the greater considerations of the Komodo War. The process and outcome of the war not only affected the locals, but also their neighbors!

With so many interests mingling and colliding with each other, it took someone much more adept in politics to make sense of this murky swamp.

At his level, Ves could only look out for himself and the Larkinson Clan while trying his best to give the Hexadric Hegemony a leg up. There was only so much his unique mechs could do to swing the geopolitical situation.

He eventually shrugged. "Whatever. I'll just do what I can from my corner. Even if the Fridaymen call upon their allies, the Hexers won't overlook this possibility."

The Fridaymen had always been better at diplomacy than their Hexer counterparts. Ves found it a bit distressing that the Hexers never adopted a friendlier face towards outsiders.