Don't Eat The Food

The inspectors examined a lot of suspicious compartments that were difficult to scan. Some of them contained sensitive or valuable goods.

This was normal pirate behavior. It would have been odd if the Mirror Raiders didn't squirrel their most valuable trade goods in these hidden nooks and crannies.

The only concern for the inspectors was to see if they posed a threat to their base. The value and providence of these valuables were not their concern, and the Dry Snakes weren't stupid enough to rob them from their visitors.

The Dry Snakes already earned plenty of Kavenit coins from collecting fees and taxes! This was the kingly way of doing business, no matter if it took place in a lawless region like the Nyxian Gap or in a bastion of civilization at Centerpoint.

The pirates, at least the clever ones, had more in common with the MTA than most people thought!