Bold Ideas

The various commanders filed out of the room. None of them held any smiles. Though they swapped numerous ideas during the meeting, none of them sounded good enough to save them from their current predicament.

Any external help, even from the MTA, would come way too late. The Nyxian Gap's remarkable properties also made it insanely difficult to get anywhere quickly unless someone had access to the so-called secret spacelanes.

These shortcuts were very obscure. The Peacekeeper Association which knew the most about the Nyxian Gap had absolutely no clue where any of them were and how to access them! Not even the Big Two's warfleets with their sophisticated detection technologies managed to sniff out these unusual spatial channels.

Whatever the case, the Larkinson Fleet was in too deep and the Allidus Alliance's punitive fleet was already heading to the border between Wreckage Paradise and Maynard Fields.