Highly Unstable

Ves had moved closer to his cat. He watched with all smiles as Lucky panted and squirmed as if he was in great pain.

In the past, Ves suffered from stomach aches as well, mostly because he ate something that didn't agree with his digestive systems. With advanced pills and remedies, these problems usually went away quickly, but none of them worked for a mechanical lifeform such as Lucky.

His cat had no choice but to work out his problem the natural way.

"Meooww… meowww…"

Though Lucky didn't look as limp as before, he was far from going back to normal. The gem cat weakly jerked his limbs as if he wanted to get as far away from Ves as possible.

For his part, Ves kept smiling in expectation at his cat. After all this trouble, his cat would hopefully recover from his lengthy affliction.

"Come on. It's almost over."

After half an hour of increasingly tortured activity from his cat, Lucky finally seemed to have reached a limit!