Requirements of Great Works

The main hall of the dark shrine inside the Gravada Knarlax looked like someone launched a terrorist attack in the middle of a demonic ritual.

While Ves had seen a lot of shocking sights, he still felt awfully disturbed at the scale of the ritual circle.

The floor didn't offer enough space! This forced the Nyxian cultists to extend the ritual circle onto the walls and ceilings. All of this blood made it so that the entire space looked like the insides of a bloody stomach!

It was a good thing the blood had dried out by now. The Watchers who presided over this immense ritual had already died in order to summon the main bodies of their dark gods

No matter how strange the ritual circle made him feel, it did not distract him for long. He couldn't keep his eyes off all of the Unending alloy pieces that were laying on the ground. To Ves, they were simply begging to be picked up!

"All of this metal will definitely go into my strategic materials reserve!"