Mech Lieutenant Monroe

While Ves invested his time on coming up with a set of universal glow instructions, the Komodo War continued to rage in the center of the star sector.

To the warring Fridaymen and Hexers, the events that took place in the Nyxian Gap did not even come to their attention.

The war already consumed all of their attention! Who cared what the designer of the Blessed Squire was up to these days. The military mech pilots weren't even able to access any news aside from what their superiors wanted to know.

"Come on! The Hexers are getting battered! Let's push them out of the city while their reinforcements are still on the way!"

After successfully conquering and pacifying the Marrakath System, the Wrathful Doves only needed a few months to complete its reorganization. The Hex Army provided the victorious army group with a large amount of recruits, mechs and supplies over the course of a couple of months.