Spiritual Extortion Racket

To Ves, spiritual fragments held a special meaning. Drawn from spiritual entities, the concentrated accumulation of energies inherited some of their character.

When Ves studied a spiritual fragment, he evaluated them by several different criteria.

He first observed their spiritual imprint. To his understanding, an imprint was both a brand and a carrier of someone's fundamental existence. It possessed mysterious properties and served an essential role in ensuring that someone maintained possession of their own spirituality.

When Ves studied the spiritual imprints of the three fragments, he noted that all of them appeared to be strong and vivid. They were harvested fresh from the corpses of the dark gods, though the fragments of the Inexorable One and the Blinding One were a tad weaker.

Considering that the Unending One showed no hesitation in devouring his fellow dark gods, Ves immediately formed a hypothesis.