Death Has Come

While it wasn't unheard of to deploy aerial mechs in larger numbers at the same time, it was not conventional.

Aerial mechs were more fragile than landbound mechs, and flying high easily exposed them to enemy fire. The greater their numbers, the more enemy fire they attracted.

This was why they generally tended to shy away from the areas where the heaviest fighting took place.

With potentially hundreds of not thousands of rifleman mechs and artillery mechs on the field, a significant proportion of aerial mechs would get chewed up before they managed to deal any damage.

Even if the aerial mech units outnumbered the enemy, enough of them would still get shot down to make any victory bittersweet!

However, at this stage of the Komodo War, neither sides wanted to back off. The emotions of the Hexers had always run high, and the fervor they drew from the Blessed Squires only exacerbated their aggressive tendencies!