Taking Turns

After a good rest and some mindless cuddling, Ves and Gloriana entered the new day with a fresher outlook.

Though the shadow of their previous failure still loomed large over them, they no longer felt as burdened as before.

A simple break and rest did wonders in cleansing their minds.

It also helped that Gloriana didn't go through with her threat to suspend their honeymoon period.

They both loved each other and had just come off a wedding that was close to perfect. Overall, there were far more reasons for Gloriana to be happy with Ves than otherwise.

Still, just because they had some fun didn't mean their problems magically went away. They merely faded in the background. Now that they were ready to fabricate their next mech, they had to confront the issue they were avoiding all this time.

As their cats playfully prowled across the mech workshop, the couple sat down at a work table in order to hash out their differences.