Ves the Good Boy

Ves hadn't met with Gloriana's immediate family very often. This was quite regretful as the imminent departure of the Wodin Warriors meant that this might very well be the last opportunity they would be able to speak with each other in person.

When the newlyweds boarded a shuttle that brought to one of the fleet carriers of the Wodin Warriors, Ves did his best not to get annoyed by how weird the Hexers decorated their ships.

From their hexagon-shaped corridors to their hexagon-sided tables, the female supremacists found plenty of ways to express their love for the number six.

The Parma Imago was still an impressive ship regardless. Her modern technology along with her advanced materials meant she could play a very useful role once the Wodin Warriors took part in the Komodo War.

As Ves and his new wife boarded a floater platform that brought them to the upper deck of the fleet carrier, they passed by plenty of male and female crew.