Security Deficit


As the secret meeting went on, Lucky had descended and allowed Calabast to place him on her lap. As she stroked his patterned metal exterior, he cutely looked up at her with his glowing green eyes and pressed his paws onto her tummy in a rhythmic pattern.

Ves inwardly sneered at his cat's feeble display. If the lazy cat thought that he could escape being used as her personal sniffer, then he was very much mistaken! It was his fault for devouring the salvaged CFA gear that Ves had brought back from the Starlight Megalodon.

He conveniently ignored the fact that the CFA would have confiscated his goods regardless.

As Calabast outlined how much manual effort that she and her Black Cats had to expend to sweep the Spirit of Bentheim of any improper elements, no one in the shielded meeting room looked pleased.