Modest Ambition

Ves returned to the Spirit of Bentheim in low spirits.

They both had different reasons to be pensive. Ves not only failed to make Calabast open up to him, but he also had to deal with a hidden danger.

Not a single ship built by others was secure. No matter where he bought his ships, there was simply no way to guarantee they were free from tampering and listening devices.

While it was possible to overhaul smaller vessels such as the Barracuda and the Scarlet Rose, the Larkinson Clan lacked the time and capabilities to do the same to the Spirit of Bentheim.

"We need shipbuilding capabilities of our own." He muttered as he boarded a lifter platform that would bring him to the design labs.

Lucky had scurried off somewhere else. Now that he had been roped into acting as a sniffer device, he was probably trying to enjoy his last day as a freeloading bum or something.