Duty Calls

Once Ves finished handling the new Odineye, he essentially completed all of his personal preparations.

He could do more, of course, but there simply wasn't enough time to accomplish anything meaningful.

Rather than tiring himself out, Ves decided to relax and spend the final hour before the start of the battle on checking up on key personnel.

"How do you feel about the upcoming battle?" He asked his favorite expert pilot.

"We're not prepared for this fight." Joshua replied. "I can see, hear and feel it from the personnel around us. Our clansmen are worried. They aren't as confident as before. For a long time, the Friday Coalition has been a giant in everyone's minds. We're not so far removed from our third-rater roots. A few years ago, none of us ever imagined we would be able to match up against the Fridaymen. They're just too powerful."
