High-tier Expert Mechs

At this stage of the battle, the apparent plan of the enemy strike force became clear to Ves and the other leaders.

The enemy split up their fleet in two pincers which slightly arced apart from each other in order to pin the expeditionary fleet down from two sides.

From the orientation of the Golden Skull Alliance, the left side was dominated by the Friday Coalition's elements of the enemy fleet. All of the elite mech units as well as their expert mechs soared forward in an obvious attempt to break through the lines of their opponents with unstoppable momentum!

The Praetor Clan and the Planat Clan took responsibility for the right side. Neither the Larkinsons nor the Glory Seekers were too familiar with the unit composition of the Garlener Clans, but Ves was not too intimidated by the mechs they fielded.

While they were unquestionably up to military standard, the traitor clans were evidently unable or unwilling to bring their crack troops.