Increased Trust

When Ves stepped aboard the gargantuan Hemmington Cross once again, he noted that the Crossers had stuffed a lot of mechs in the hangar bay.

Every ship in the expeditionary fleet was in the same straits. The alliance picked up so much salvage from the battlefield that every space had to be utilized as efficiently as possible.

In fact, a lot of mech stables, hangar bays and cargo bays were stuffed with ugly wrecks and broken parts.

Of course, the crew of the Hemmington Cross didn't haphazardly toss their salvage in the hangar bay used to greet the incoming guests.

Instead, the best mechs of the Cross Clan stood in neat rows. When Ves and his wife studied their appearances, they instantly recognized that they had been deliberately fixed up and polished to a shine in order to present a magnificent image.