Trade and Commerce

Every new major star system offered a wealth of options to visitors like Ves. While he felt irked by the sheer amount of 'house rules' set by the local authorities, the Prosperous Hill System was nonetheless a paradise to anyone looking to purchase a lot of goods and services.

While the expeditional fleet slowly settled into its assigned parking grid in the outer system, the crews of every starship became busy.

The vessels had to be cleaned up and checked for anything that the authorities might take fault with. Radioactive materials, explosive payloads, unstable power reactors and any other risky element had to be properly secured and stowed away. The ship's manifests had to be in order. The new arrivals also had to submit a summary of the goods and services they expected to buy or sell.

All in all, traffic control and many other official institutions demanded a lot of paperwork in order to make sure that every visitor had honest intentions in mind.