
Ves and Gloriana traveled to a large base situated in another area at the edge of Veoline proper.

Just like back in the Cinach System, the Larkinsons decided to rent a large base on the surface of Prosperous Hill VI in order to facilitate their operations in the star system.

From recruitment to procuring supplies, a lot of work had to be done over the next couple of months in order to get the grand expedition back on track.

Not only that, but the base also provided ample opportunities for Larkinsons to go on leave. Hardly any clansman wanted to remain stuck on their ships that were parked in some dark quadrant in the outer system when there was a very pleasant planet next door!

The only difference from last time was that the Larkinson Clan's allies also decided to join the party.

For security and other reasons, the members of the alliance each agreed to share a single base.